Hi Every one! Welcome to Dolls To Cherish
My name is Roslyn Johnson though everyone calls me Ros. My three children fled the nest years ago though I see them
almost every day. I live in the market town of Neath in South Wales where I spend a great deal of every day
caring for grandchildren and two elderly parents who each have age related dieseases. My sculpting ventures started
almost 20 years ago by chance, and I am so fortunate that I can unwind and destress in a creative outlet that I love
and never seem to tire of.
I retired as Head of Department of Design and Technology around 6 years ago. It was a career I loved.
However, as one door closes, another opens so they say, and now I have more time to devote to sculpting. I am
never satisfied and strive for perfection. My next sculpt has to be better than the last.
You could say my creative streak runs in the family. My mother has always has been remarkable at crafts and is so talented with a paint brush. Her work has sold and until recently ( shes 87), still painted remarkable canvases, made birthday cards, and dabbled in all sorts of crafts. My brother is probably the most outstanding artist in the family. He owns his own business as a technical illustrator. My other two brothers and my sister are also artistic and creative, though use their talents to relax.
I have always had a love of dolls and collected them from a very early age. Lots of the photographs of me as a child show me with a doll in my hand. My earliest memory of sculpting was at infants school when my friends would ask me to make a cradle with a baby in it out of plasticine for them . I absolutely loved it when the teacher would go into the store cupboard, bring out new boxes of plasticine in vibrant colours, open the cellophane wrap, and cut off chunks for us to use.
One evening while I was browsing the internet, I came across a One Of a Kind sculpt. I could not believe what I was seeing. The sculpt of a baby was so real! .I had to find out how these babies were being made. That was back in 2000. I won Best Newborn Baby in the Colliii international awards in 2009, was nominated as a finalist the following year and was a nominee again in 2011 with Alys. Some were made into vinyl kits for the reborn market. I have a commission with Ashton Drake also. Maddison is available from their website. I now mould my own sculpts and pour them in silicone for collectors world wide. I also paint and root them. They truely are a labour of love. I hope collectors enjoy them as much as I enjoy making them.